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Home Blog … on a Budget

Joining the Metal Detecting Hobby on a Budget

Assessing the cost

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Are you thinking of joining the metal-detecting hobby but find yourself stuck on the sidelines because getting started seems to be too expensive and overly complicated?

When it comes to buying a detector, do you have the time to research the myriad of competing options, each highly touted and clamoring for your business? And what about the numerous, supposedly essential accessories? Do you wonder what accessories are truly essential for you, the cash-challenged, aspiring detectorist?

Assuming you are interested in the metal detecting hobby, but are thoroughly confused, mentally exhausted, and turned off by the cascade of promotions and hype that the industry spouts, don’t give up. I’ve been there myself, and I’m here to help you navigate quickly through the maze.

Who am I? I’m a metal detectorist turned blogger, and I have a whole lot of metal-detecting experience behind me (mostly gold nugget shooting). If you want to know more about my experience, check out my blog post: Does Metal Detecting Pay?

Assuming you’re like I was just starting out (not sleeping on a king-size bed of cash) please don’t break the bank to shell out for an expert-level metal detector. After all, if you opt-in, this will be your first detector, and you probably don’t know yet if metal detecting is going to keep your fire lit.

So go easy and get the best entry-level machine you can reasonably afford. Later, when you’ve had a bit of metal detecting experience, you’ll know if the hobby is going to keep you engaged. And if it is, you can always upgrade.

First, let’s get the metal-detecting accessories out of the way. Do not jump on every flashy appurtenance being pitched at you unless money is of no concern. The only critical, absolutely necessary instruments needed by a beginning metal detectorist are his metal detector and digging tool.

You can buy a digging tool specially designed for metal detecting, but if you’re strapped for cash, you probably already have a suitable one in your garage or garden. Wait to acquire the frills and trimmings until, from experience, you learn exactly what will improve your game and what will not.

That leaves the metal detector, the one truly unique and essential tool that you can’t improvise or do without. If you’ve got a bodacious pile of bucks, you can spend thousands on a metal detector and have all the bells and whistles you want (lucky you!). But, unfortunately, that’s not the boat most of us are in. So, go budget shopping among the best, highly-ranked, entry-level detectors.

The top-rated metal detector manufacturers have been in the business long enough to establish a commendable track record. They produce and sell excellent machines that can be relied upon. Their entry-level detectors often start near the $200 mark and range up from there.

And, if you’re new to the hobby/profession, one of their name-brand, entry-level, metal-detecting machines, would likely be a wise choice. Then, after you spend enough time out in the field detecting, you’ll know if you and metal detecting are cut out for each other, and whether upgrading to an expensive, professional-grade detector makes sense.

Top Brands
Amazon: Top Brand Metal Detectors

If you are looking for a high-quality metal detector at a reasonable price, you’ve come to the right place. Check out Amazon’s affordable, top brand name, tried and true, metal-detecting machines. 

As an affiliate of Amazon and other online retailers, I earn a small commision, at no additional cost to you, when a qualifying purchase is made (JQK)

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